The Hyperinflation that caused the Great Depression was a bubble within a bubble
From the beginning to the end is an entire trip...The world was headed to the basement in 1930 but a bankruptcy reorganization prevented the completion of the cycle and exposure of the system...Since 1930 it has been a massive reflation of the world...An inflate or die system of a bankrupt system that is still after 70 years bankrupt and there are no more accounting tricks left to sustain it for much longer.
They switched to a debt backed by debt system in 1971 to postpone the implosion...Whats next?
Jumping up just before the elevator hits is not going to work. In the 1890 depression the two horse family could eat a horse...The Two SUV family is going to be in trouble.
Economists don't exist...The system is so screwed and has been for so long nobody knows what not being screwed up is.
It's so game over it is hard to believe...The vast majority are oblivious...so oblivious that a new word would have to be created to label how oblivious everyone is.
The bears think there is going to still be a stock market to live off...This is not 1929...
People ask me what the solution is...Implosion is the solution.
I've read plenty of books that paint a grim picture of the tip of the iceberg then end with Hope for the future.
Or extremely simplistic solutions...
Anything that stops a compound interest system from functioning...Which is inflation of debt to the maximum potential...Regardless of what causes it whether it is systemic limits, Human intervention, Or external acts of GOD...Leads to implosion.
The solution is inflate debt or die in a compounding interest system...
Compound interest commercial banking as you see it in operation is 600 years old...All that a compounding interest commercial banking system can do is inflate to maximum potential and then implode...600 years ago or now...
The only difference between then and now is the ability to sustain debt inflation...In the good old days when the fiat medium of exchange of the food powered make work enterprise that the bank was operating within was fabricated out of Gold and silver and copper...There was basically a maximum potential amount of money that banks were able to have deposited and then lend out...
Once the depositing lending spending cycle reached maximum potential that was it...game over.
The 3 stages of the 600 year old compounding interest commercial banking system...
1. Inflation of debt and the destruction of savings...
2. Deflation of debt and the destruction of equity
3. Bankruptcy of the banks, collapse of the economy and division of labor, and the consolidation of power...
In static Absolute capitalist food powered make work enterprise...the cycle of inflation and deflation or explosion implosion or boom and bust...was measured in decades...
You all enjoy stage 1 but don't like stage 2 and when stage 3 shows up you all flip out...
You all demand that something be done...Well after many power consolidation phases the top who own and operate the food powered make work enterprise all you sea monkeys float around in obtained enough power to postpone stage 3...
And they also needed to since the modern technologically advanced iteration of the food powered make work enterprise is incompatible with the natural cleansing process...
The lights go out...The machines stop and begin rusting...the food distribution stops...Your clothes begin filling up with holes when the depositing-spending-lending cycle reaches maximum potential...
What is a better system than taking more than you give?
There isn't one since the current food powered make work enterprise is no different at its basic level than any that have existed in the 6000 years of recorded history...
They work great...they inflate to maximum potential then implode...
Now when they implode all the drones within the system assume that something is wrong...
That's just due to their ignorance...There is nothing wrong happening when a system designed to inflate to maximum potential then implode...Inflates to maximum potential and implodes...
If you think it's wrong then you have to convince the owner/employers at the top that designed it that it's wrong...They don't think it's wrong...And as far as I can tell never thought it was wrong...They find the thought that it is wrong to take more than you give just as prepostrous and absurd as you all find it...
The Gold is money religionists seem to believe that a group of peasants found some gold, refined it and then put pictures and numbers on it and called their invention money...
The top or the owners/employers of the food powered make work enterprise created money by decree...Fiat...
You Mr. Farmer will pay your rent of 2 Gold coins a year...
Where do I get these Gold coins Most Worshipful Master?
My agent will supply you with 1 gold coin for every short ton of grain you supply to him...
How do you think you all can eat but produce no food?
And why farmers produce 1000's of times more food than they need to sustain their existence?
Next the Gold worshippers will be telling us that the US Treasury was built over a silver and gold mine...
The most widely circulating coin in the NEW WORLD was the Spanish milled Dollar which the US Dollar as defined in the coinage act of 1792 was patterned after...
Where did the Spanish get all that Silver?
They looted/destroyed the Aztec and Incan civilizations...
The Indians were butchered in the USA for GOLD to make GOLD coins...
To buy whiskey and whores...
"By 1829 mining operations had begun in White County (then part of Habersham County). Later that same year operations began in Lumpkin, Union, and Cherokee . This promise of easy money literally floating down a river brought large amounts of men and money into the region. It also caused much pain.
The Cherokee controlled most of the land in the gold region. The Georgia legislature began to plan their removal almost immediately after the discovery of gold. This eventually led to the 'Trail of Tears.'"
Hey I don't have to do any thinking...[Insert useful idiot] can do all the thinking for me...
Except [insert useful idiot] is not going to be around to suffer the consequences...
Without the farmer to power all the non farmers cherished delusions the cherished delusions would not exist...Farmers always produced more than they needed for when the crops failed...
And the conquest of the NEW WORLD was a search for resources to sustain the Global food powered make work enterprise...The enterprise that needed more and more Gold to sustain debt inflation which allowed technological innovations to be discovered and implemented to sustain the enterprise past the maximum potential of GOLD but not past the maximum potential of the compounding interest commercial banking system itself...
The now 314 year old Global food powered make work enterprise that you are all enthralled drones within...
The farmer is the key to the top's power...Without control of the farmers the food powered make work enterprise can not be controled by the top...The top can not sustain their existence...
Mr. Farmer you just have to feed me...If you refuse I will have to go on a hunger strike...LoL
"Simply pass a law"
The only entity I'm aware of that makes Law is GOD...
Look at that red hot piece of Iron...Maybe GOD is taking a break...Maybe GOD is not looking and I can grab that red hot bar of Iron with my bare hands without being caught...
Nope I guess not...
Men fabricate rules for the game you are all playing...Not Laws...
You socially engineered drones think that Human beings have the power to simply manufacture "Laws."
How exactly am I supposed to interact with you all when you are all socially engineered drones that have no real ability to employ logic?
Within the context of the game you are all playing the statement "Simply pass a law" is reasonable but not logical...While at the same time it is logical for entities employing reason to arrive at the logical conclusion that a Law can simply be manufactured...
I'm sorry but if you don't comprehend GOD then you don't comprehend anything since GOD supplies the power that everything in the Universe and the Universe itself requires to sustain its existance...
Most of the rules which you socially engineered drones mistakenly call Laws are incompatible with the Law of the Universe...
Most of the rules you mistakenly call Laws require power to sustain their enforcement against the Law of the Universe...greater and greater amounts of power...
These "rules" are finite and fragile lies that require infinite and indestructible truth to sustain their existence fighting the infinite and indestructible truth...
Which requires more and more power...Until the point is reached where the lies require infinite and indestructible power to sustain their existence fighting the infinite and indestructible Truth...At that point they require Truth...or revelation...The lies which all you socially engineered drones believed were Truth are revealed as Lies...The cherished delusion is then shattered...
The only way to defeat GOD and obtain absolute power over all is to acquire a power source greater than Infinite and indestructible...
Sorry but that is impossible...
Sorry but you are all finished...You all depending upon how refined your act has become over the years of your existence within and/or exposure to the GAME can at best "pretend" you "know" but ultimately you all only think you know...
The farmers are deluded first into powering the cherished delusion all the non farmers cherish...
Due to the nature of food it is almost impossible to produce enough food to last a lifetime...
That is why GOLD is a good food substitute...It is very easy to store and as long as all the farmers in the collective are producing enough excess production, farmers who save Gold instead of grain can sustain their existence...
But if the crop failures cause a deficit then Gold becomes worthless...Since without food to power its worth GOLD alone can not sustain a human being...
According to the GOLD is money crowd all you need to construct a civilization is a gold mine...
Sorry kids but the first medium of exchange was constructed out of clay...
The top liked Gold silver and copper because they were almost impossible to counterfeit...
The top has owned the medium of exchange of the food powered make work enterprise for 1000's of years...The top invented it to make it easier to control you all...
The bottom can easily just barter...
Lets say a lawyer won a case for a client and his compensation was $1,000,000...That works out to about 2 kilotons of grain...
Barter doesn't work for rich people...Hence the invention of the medium of exchange...or the IOU.
That is basically all that a coin is regardless of what it is manufactured of...
The top has to account...With a medium of exchange made of clay...The accounting becomes impossible once others in the food powered make work enterprise begin manufacturing their own IOU's...
The top requires you to perform the functions you all perform...And you require compensation to be obedient...If the top can not account then their ability to feed you all is jeopardized...
Ultimately freewill allows choice...So regardless of what information one Human being shares with another human being there is no obligation that it be accepted...
It can be either accepted or rejected but when it comes to consequences of the freewill choice there is no escape...
Freewill allows the choice to attempt to escape...Our ancestors basically escaped...We are the decendants...Now it is up to us to sustain the attempt to escape the consequences.
Or choose not to attempt to escape...Which after the amount of time that has passed should be an easy choice to make but we are still operating like we were just self-deluding ourselves into thinking we are not...
The only thing that has progressed since the 1800's is the passage of time...
In fact all that has progressed since 4000 B.C. is the passage of time...
All this babble we are babbling has been going on since then...The record of it at least...
From then to now nothing has changed. The responsible choose to claim they are irresponsible and the consequences of that choice are that nothing new happens...Just the same old cycle replayed over and over again within the many iterations of the food powered make work enterprises that existed prior to this current iteration...
The top makes the market...They decide how free the the so called free market is...
The bottom does not make the market...
The top top needs food but certainly does not want to grow it...Hence the invention of the Absolute capitalistic hierarchial food powered make work enterprise...
Communism/Free market Capitalism...as examples are just administration philosophies employed by the top within the basic framework of the ancient food powered make work enterprise system...
You are all dangerous game players to me...regardless of the philosophy being utilized to administrate the enterprise...
Sophism..sometimes called Democracy...
"The essential claim of sophistry is that the actual logical validity of an argument is irrelevant (if not non-existent); it is only the ruling of the audience which ultimately determine whether a conclusion is considered "true" or not. By appealing to the prejudices and emotions of the judges, one can garner favorable treatment for one's side of the argument and cause a factually false position to be ruled true."
In the USA the drone population has been socially engineered to believe Free market consumerism is Good and Communism is evil...
So when I'm accused of spreading anarcho-communist/socialist propaganda it is...
"appealing to the prejudices and emotions of the judges"
The accuser is in need of support...
I need no support...And that is why I don't appeal to the prejudices and emotions of the judges...
I'm not a sophist and certainly not a believer in majority rule...
You all...The vast majority of socially engineered drones, as I pointed out, earlier, believe that the rules that top manufactures are Laws...Which they are not...
Regardless of what you all think...Or choose to attempt to force/persuade me to believe that is counter to what I know...
If you actually choose to think that I'm a spreader of so called anarcho-communist/socialist propaganda...That is your choice...Not mine...
It is the choice you made...And have to ultimately take responsibility for...
All I do is point out what you all don't like to be pointed out...
Or what you all have been socially engineered to have preprogrammed immune responses to...
Preprogrammed weaknesses that the top can capitalize to control you...
Just start screaming Communism and you can acquire more power...
Lately Terrorism has become an effective preprogrammed trigger but is highly conditional...
Truth shatters cherished delusions...so Yes you could also choose to call me a terrorist...Actually that would be far better than employing the communist trigger word except where the audience is more scared of communists than terrorists...Since the length of the social engineering American drones have received to make communism a trigger word with the associated predictable reaction has been longer than the terrorist trigger word...
One of the primary purposes of sending us all here to the New World was to find Gold to pay for the operation of sending us all here...
Y'all didn't decide to fund the operation...The top did...Who believed at the time that it was technologically and logistically feasible...Obviously it was.
The Romans did the same but did not have the technology to sustain the operation...They spread out...Did not acquire enough resources to sustain the operation...Then imploded...They certainly bought some more time but ultimately failed...
We are also since we are at the point where we need another New World...To sustain the system that must keep inflating or it will like the Romans found out...Implode...
"It's so game over it is hard to believe...The vast majority are oblivious...so oblivious that a new word would have to be created to label how oblivious everyone is".
nah, no new word required.
They're simply "asleep"....,
-------------The top has owned the medium of exchange of the food powered make work enterprise for 1000's of years...The top invented it to make it easier to control you all...-----------------------------
More conspiracy libertarian clap trap. More soldiering for the powers that be. More looking down into the deep well... and more poisonous pessimism.
We live in one of the parts of the world that can change.
Social change happens when the back of the stomach approaches the front of the spine.
Big change is going to happen.
Arguing obscure points about the inevitability that a continuation of a new price system is the only choice .... really continues a drone activity.
--------"It's so game over it is hard to believe...The vast majority are oblivious...so oblivious that a new word would have to be created to label how oblivious everyone is".------------------------
Nice? W.T.F.
Obviously people are brainwashed,,, and obviously Hyper Tiger is brainwashed.
Oh and nulan... join the club. You do not understand the Gurdjieff stuff.
He was a religious retard. An interesting one but one never the less. He made his money feeding people blue sky and moon beams.
Part of the Illuminists.
More pecking crows on the carcass of a Jackal.... like hyper tiger.
The American Political Price System TNAT info.
Two areas can change. America and Russia... that is because of our resource base and their resource base.
Scientific secular functional governance is the ONLY viable alternative.
The Price System kills everyone and then kills itself.
skip, give it up already. You have lost all credibility.
That would be an example of voodoo or neuro linguistic programming.
Telling people how to think... lot of that going on here.
Sorry... go phuck yourself anon.
Information is provided.
I could not care less what people think of the messenger.
Skip, dude, you keep linking to the same god damned page over and over again. We get it. Can you please find something new to say? Or better yet, why don't you learn how to set up your own blog, it's not that hard, and it's free. I promise we all will visit you there. Right now you're just annoying the hell out of everybody, and it does not help to get your message across at all.
I do have one. But not to comment on. It is an information site.
The North American Technate TNAT
I have come here for target practice and to use some of you as a punching bag... That is about all you are good for,,, at least most of you.
In other words I am here to relax and entertain myself... because while hyper tiger knows a few things .... hyper tiger is barking up the wrong tree.
Oh, so you're just being a dickhead? Sorry, I was under the impression that you were trying to articulate some kind of thought. Carry on.
(wrong button...)
I think your article are good but wrong. There is going to be a inflationary nightmare that has been building since 1971. It is going to crush the United tstaes in a inflationary depression. last depression was deflationary because America was still tied to gold standard and it was a creditor nation.
When this inflationary monster finally reares in head and destroys us, foreigners will liquid dollar holders and sell their bonds, thus internsifying the dollar collapse and inflationary depression. All those dollars are going to come back to the US Shores until we hit the Weimar America.
Then, the World Bankseters will introduce the cashless, electronic society and then and only then gold and will be contract in price and be destroyed. Perhaps, that is going to be the deflationary contraction you finally believe will happen.
You should not insult people on your baord. I see big holes in your logic.
I think your article are good but wrong. There is going to be a inflationary nightmare that has been building since 1971. It is going to crush the United tstaes in a inflationary depression. last depression was deflationary because America was still tied to gold standard and it was a creditor nation.
When this inflationary monster finally reares in head and destroys us, foreigners will liquid dollar holders and sell their bonds, thus internsifying the dollar collapse and inflationary depression. All those dollars are going to come back to the US Shores until we hit the Weimar America.
Then, the World Bankseters will introduce the cashless, electronic society and then and only then gold and will be contract in price and be destroyed. Perhaps, that is going to be the deflationary contraction you finally believe will happen.
You should not insult people on your baord. I see big holes in your logic.
Does the sun ever shine where you guys live? The markets will never die as long as you need/want and can offer any form of labor or items. Folks will suck *toes for crack... That might get you some groceries too if your hungry...
*substitute whatever you want sucked...
How about your comment... idiot.
Um, aren't the two thing the US exports:
1) Grain
2) Weapons?
I have a feeling that the good old USA is the fan.
It hurts to be hit by flying shit, but it's better than being the shit.
The rest of the world is fucked--you peons are just going to be in the Army.
hey skip, go kill yourself so we dont have to read your worthless diatribes or grow the hell up and learn to function with society and worry about what you can change instead of what you cant. Happyness is a choice. Slaves had better attitudes than your lazy arse.
Oh I get a lot of that.
From people like you Anon.
Thats because your an.... idiot.
You fit in well with the other 98% of your brethren.
Your a douche and a cretin skip. Die in a effing fire buddy. And roast to medium well so we all have something to feed the hungry with when everything comes crashing down.
Actually dunno why im picking on Skip... guess I had the wrong target... Probably should redirect my angry posts to the negatives.. which seems to be HyperT and his band of chicken littles....Sorry Skip.. your name just stuck out...enjoy
No problemo...
Really I am pointing out that we do not have to embrace a system bent on killing everyone... and then ourselves. Actually the tiger does not understand what is going on beyond ---- tormentors and their victims. Ha.
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