GOD is the infinite and indestructible source of power that all existence capitalizes on to sustain the continued existence of existence...That source never is cut and can't be cut...
That is the source of of my power, your power, all power...
You can't have two masters...
The Source that is never cut and can't be cut is the only master you can follow to salvation...
All other masters you choose to follow will lead you to damnation...
It's why I don't stick around long in one place...I eventually become the leader of the masses againt the LORD who lords over them...No matter how much I try to tell the masses that I'm not their leader...Their owner is...I don't own them...Their LORD does...
It's up to you all to take back what you have given to the LORD that lords over you...
I can't...I can only give you what you need not what you want...Unless what you need and what you want are the same...
I can not give you freedom from your choice to be slaves to yourselves or others...Regardless of how powerful your demands are...
I can't choose what you all choose to choose...to give you what you want...
I can only give you what you need...Truth.
Or you think I'm lying? That is what you have chosen to believe...I can't choose what you all choose to choose...
I'm not your master or your servant or slave...
You all are masters servants and slaves to yourselves and others to get what you want...
Truth can not tell lies and cannot be reasoned with or lied to...to get what you want...
All truth can do is give you what you need...
Ignorance of truth is the root of all evil...
You all can't seem to control your emotions...In the early days when those around me were trying to figure out what my problem was...I was sent to many psychologists...They either flipped out in rage, started shaking in terror, or sat there mesmerized...
Typical drones just act goofy...it's the mode they go into when the standard immune response to the threat to their cherished delusions fails...
I've seen it 100's of times...Once they realize that nothing bad is going to happen to them they party...
Give them an inch and they take a 1000 miles
I walk into a church and tell truth and they will call the Destroyers to attempt to stop me/save them...
The top controls you all...I go against the top and eventually the top will have all 6 Billion of you hunting for me to destroy me and anyone foolish enough to support me...
The top says you are with us or against us...
The top does not care how many mangled bodies they have to stack up in mountains within lakes of blood to maintain their position on top...
Bush said that and there was nothing but crickets...You all are gonzo...baby seals...
You all look at people more Evil than you all and your evilness looks like goodness...
You all have zero idea what you are up against...Zero.
And when I attempt to help you comprehend...You play games...
The top does not...They own the game you are all playing...You are all the game players.
Ok Hyperfool you know Truth?...Then what are the winning lottery numbers next week?
The winning numbers are those numbers that are picked on the day the lottery is staged.
Those who attempt to figure out what the winning numbers are going to be are game playing fools...Except the winner of course...Who is highly promoted and marketed to suck in more game playing fools...
Those who own the lottery win by default since the owners keep more money than they collect from and pay out to all the game playing fools...
The owners don't care what the numbers are...As long as the game playing fools continue to think they are going to win the game and keep playing then the owners of the game win by default every time...
See that's the power you have when you reject the just think positive ignore the negative program...
I don't cause despair...You have to choose to despair
"There is no new thing under the sun"
Yes the top has sucked from the bottom for the entire recorded history of Humanity...
Truth...fear of truth is fear of GOD the top is not GOD...The top is evil...
You love evil?
Quit trying to prove you are right...And start proving yourself wrong and you will accelerate your progress faster and faster to get what you need...
That is what I know that you need...Now you know what I know...
Here it's easy to cut the power in the real world people grow ridiculously dependant upon me...Unfortunately it took a while to figure out that the hierarchial structure as you all know it is not natural...It's programmed...Everyone is basically programmed to give power to whoever gives the followers what they want...
Everyone has to know what's going on...When only one person does (the top) and the rest just let one do the thinking (the bottom)...There is no one that can stop the march to doom with glee once it starts...
The bottom does not begin waking up until the end when the visible effects they see all around them are incompatible with the original sales pitch...
Bretton Woods is a prime example...
When asked, once the conference was over and Bretton Woods was the Global plan, if it was Good...John Maynard Keynes, one of the chief architects, said...
"In the long run, we're all dead."
Bretton Woods was doomed from square one...It was an insane plan...but because no one except the top knew...Everyone else did not attempt to stop it...
The below charts are the blindingly crystal clear evidence but the below equation is at the core of all the accounting algorithms employed in the 600 year old institution of the compounding interest commercial banking monetary system operating within the ancient absolute capitalistic hierarchial food powered make work enterprise you all exist within and that equation when "worshipped" as the path to salvation...draws the lines...The same every time...Choosing to take more power than you give or absolute capitalism has the same logical conclusion every time...a self fulfilling Prophecy...
Like Bacteria...see below...So that is about as much as the bottom (all below the Top of the hierarchy which you are all following) knows...nothing...
I know slightly more than nothing...
The implosion you all forgot about due to the Multi/Trillion dollar 24/7 mind blast machine is still coming and it will blow out the system like a candle...So I don't need to do anything except point it out...

The just think positive ignore the negative equation...
Or the Just think lies and delusions ignore truth equation is at the core of all the reasoning algorithms you all have been taught...
Truth can't be reasoned with (lied to) and can not lie...
It's unreasonable...
Lies and delusions are reasonable...
The top offers for sale to the bottom many different hopes and dreams and the bottom shops for what they want and buys them...
Shop til you drop...
Hopes and dreams are lies and delusions...
Hope is the positive sounding label for Lie and dream is the positive sounding label for Delusion...
Just as Globalism is the positive sounding label for Imperialism and British Commonwealth is the positive sounding label for British Empire...
It's why you all are searching for truth but never find it...since you are not looking for it...You reject/ignore it by default due to the just think positive ignore the negative equation at the core of your reasoning algorithm...
It generally takes about 12 years to teach you all to read, write, do math, and how to think...
To flip burgers or dig holes...Or tell me that I'm full of Shit...
I apologize for not posting HT's work as often as I have in the past, but I've been busy with other projects.
I'll try to keep up better!!
No complaints here; who would dare when it's obviously a labor of love on your part.
HTs' work is enlightening. It's also depressing; full of gloom and doom...but I sense it's truthfulness.
Thank you for doing this.
I wonder if HT has any thoughts to share about the happenings this fall, specifically the Olympics.
And which mattoid will be awarded the residency of the White House.
If there is no Olympics, will there be no election, and vica versa.
"If there is no Olympics, will there be no election, and vica versa."
Whatever made you think there's even a slight chance of 'not' having the olympics. Aren't they scheduled to begin next week?
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