The stock markets are not legitimate components of a functional economy...the markets are just greater fool games that have over time been sold to you all as legitimate components of a functional economy...
They are not...They were just scams..from day one...All the so called stock markets in the world are just scams.
"When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time, a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it."--Frederic Bastiat
Really you all are so far gone it's amazing.
You are all asleep dreaming you are awake.
Income trusts is where most people were wiped out in the 29 crash...
They changed the name of them to Mutual Funds and got you all to throw your life savings away...again.

[Sorry, couldn't help myself! CLRH]
The market has zero money in it...as soon as you buy the seller gets your money and can basically blow it how they see fit.
That's why they want you all to keep sending them money...
They will keep sending you pieces of paper telling you how rich you are...
The markets are fractionally reserved...as long as there is not a run...the scam is not revealed...and any money you put in the markets is basically sucked right out again.
From 1950 to 2000 the money supply of the USA increased from 425 Billion to 27.1 Trillion dollars or roughly a 6300% increase
The DOW went from 199 to 10,000 or roughly a 5000% increase
From 2000 to now the money supply went from 27.1 Trillion to 51 Trillion or an increase of roughly 88%
The Dow went from 10,000 to 10,000 an increase of 0%
A whole lot of people have sent money to Wall street...Trillions has been extracted the past 8 years.
Since markets have been caving in from their highs...20 Trillion of equity globally has just vanished.
And as long as all the sheep don't sell...the scam will not be exposed...but if everyone made a run on Wall Street and demanded their money back...The markets would implode to zero in nanoseconds.
The stock markets are scams...right in front of your eyes...and the vast majority have been brainwashed into thinking they are legitimate components of a properly functioning economy...
They are just greater fool games.
Call the SEC...The owners of the stock markets/greater fool games created the SEC...to protect them...
Consumers are maxed out so if the Fed were to buy unsecured loans all it would do is buy some time since consumers can't service debt now regardless...
The banks will have no way to take this wholesale debt and sell it to consumers retail. It's like giving someone product without payment and then they sell it to obtain the payment but if they can't sell it...then game over...
The Treasury borrows money from the US money supply so ultimately what the Treasury or US government is doing is saying:
'Well you all don't want to request commercial banks to make more new money...we will do that for you then.'
But all that will do is keep the banks from imploding...It's not going to do anything to address the maxed out consumer/collapsing economy problem.
Consumers request commercial banks to manufacture money...period end of story.
They use their current income to back their requests for commercial banks to advance them their future income to the present.
There has been zero money creation outside of the commercial banking system since the Greenbacks of the civil war.
The FED does not set rates...and its ability to engineer short term rates is very limited...
You also need consumers that are willing and able to request the commercial banks to manufacture debt...and if they are maxed out...game over regardless of rates.
All that the FED is currently doing is lending banks credit using their current assets as collateral to keep them from imploding due to the lack of consumers requesting them to manufacture more new money.
The money supply is not showing any signs of growing. Because all the money in circulation has been requested by consumers to be manufactured by commercial banks...
The workers at the bottom slave to power the FEDERAL RESERVE the US Government and Treasury...
All that has happened up to this point is monetization of assets...Using the existing money supply of 51,000 Billion dollars or 51 Trillion dollars that US consumers have requested the commercial banking system to manufacture to past 64 years.
I see no evidence of any growth of the money supply.
The US consumer reached maximum potential in 2006 and the US real estate sector...the largest engine of inflation on Earth...began collapsing...around that same time revolving credit or credit card use accelerated...but by late 2007 Consumer requests for commercial banks to manufacture money began to rapidly collapse...by 42% by q2 2008...the largest drop in the daily growth rate of the money supply in 64 years.
Year to date the US economy is short 1.4 trillion dollars...and in 1944 at Bretton Woods the US Dollar was set up as the global medium of exchange and by default the US consumer became the demand...while the rest of the world became the supply for the US consumer and the demand of US dollars
The USA became the supply of inflation and the rest of the world became the demand..
That's why the whole global system is deflating currently.
The largest engine of inflation on Earth...the US real estate sector...due to the US consumer maxing out has collapsed...
Causing the supply of inflation that has been inflating the world for the past 64 years to slow down massively.
The whole global system will shatter and go feral.
It's not the FED...all the central banks in the system are a global branch network with the Bank of England in the City of London as main branch. Everyone has an easy money policy to sustain US consumer consumption or the USA implodes sucking the rest of the world with it...
All that is happening currently is that after 64 years the US Consumer has maxed out and can no longer sustain the inflation of the world...so game over.
The Russians and Arabs are in no position to take over as the supply of inflation the rest of the world is demanding.
No one can any more.
It's always been debt based. All that happened in 1971 was the world ran out of Gold to sustain global trade was all...
There was two choices...The USA stop trading and then implode to oblivion sucking the rest of the world down with them to oblivion or get rid of the gold requirement and postpone the implosion.
At the end of the 1933-1945 bankruptcy reorganization...Bretton Woods did nothing to address the actual cause of the 1929-1933 collapse of the global trade system.
Saving you say?...What if I constantly saved up 10,000 silver pieces a year and then lent them out for a year at 10%? for 75 years.
I would have 100 million silver pieces...Now imagine 10 people did that...and the money supply is 1 billion silver pieces.
In 75 years 10 people would own the entire money supply of a billion silver pieces and the only way the the rest of the population could obtain money is by renting it.
Really the 10 would lend out 1 Billion silver pieces and demand back 1.1 Billion silver pieces in a year...where's the other 100 million silver pieces going to come from? and then the next year...is more and more and more...
Well the owners of the money then start fractionally reseving it...issuing IOU's...that the 10 all agree upon to accept.
Eventually the total money supply shrinks more and more in relation to the IOU's in circulation.
That's what happens when you attach interest or rent to money...
The top did that many centuries ago...
The USA does coin money...The dollar coin, the quarter, the nickel, the dime, the penny...
A group calling itself "we the people" gave Congress the power to
"coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures"
Just like the Constitution dictates...
The FEDERAL RESERVE does not coin money...or issue money...It issues credit.
There is nothing in the Constitution dealing with the commercial banking system's right to issue credit...
hint...The above group calling itself "We the people"...Were mostly rich and all were dependant upon the the compounding interest commercial banking credit system to finance their desires.
Just like all the rich people today.
Hoodwinked for 221 years.
Pegging currency will do nothing...Interest attached to the medium of exchange is the cause of the inevitable train wreck.
The world will cave in regardless of what is done and if the new system allows interest...All it will do is inflate to maximum potential and implode again.
Really this is how the top has been operating for 1000's of years...it's part of the normal opeartion of the system.
The system reaches maximum potential...and implodes...the top then hires the survivors to build the next one.
You are all just labor that the top either has a use for or they don't...period end of story...you get it yet?
All money is fiat...
Or by decree...The top says...this is money or else...period end of story.
Gold and silver are money until the supply/production is utilized to its maximum potential and then the top or owners of the money alter the construction of what they own...and since the top controls all the food production and distribution networks...You either use what the top says is money to buy food or starve.
It's the Supply of money and the Demand for gold...
The reason why the price dropped is because the rate of growth of the money supply caved.
Due to the US consumer maxing out in 2006 and becoming increasingly unwilling or unable to request commercial banks to manufacture the required amount of new money to sustain the existence of the previously requested money...
The daily growth rate of the money supply has dropped by 42% since late 2007...the greatest slowdown in 62 years.
Without inflation...the goldbugs are DOA...simple
You need constant inflation to sustain a price...There is not going to be...All I see is a doomsday spike up to maximum potential which the top will short to oblivion once the last mindless moron is in...
There is a 200 Trillion dollar equivalent money supply...with the US dollar making up a quarter of it.
So there is plenty of fuel available to power a a mindless moron blast up...but no way to sustain any mindless moron driven spikes for long.
Could have saved time by saying...I thought there was a magic printing press...It should have turned on to save my ass by now...something sinister is going on...
Ya there is no magic printing press...It was Ben telling the drones during a time when they were scared of deflation back in 2002 to not worry...the FED and Government have a secret weapon that can kill GOD...
But now it's been revealed that they don't...
Yes...the top hires them to hang from lamp posts...
The top maintains their position by giving the bottom what they want...If the US Government needs to be fed into a wood chipper to give you all what you want...
That's what the top will give you.
I don't think...I know...
I don't tell people what I think...I only tell people what I know...There is no way you will ever be free from ignorance by choosing to worship the Just think positive ignore the negitive religion.
That's why the freedom you believe in will never be obtained...It is a cherished delusion...Which is a lie you tell yourself and fall in love with.
What I point out is a threat to your cherished delusion and your post is a pathetic attempt to fight the threat.
You will not win because Truth is infinite and indestructible...
You can of course point out all the lies I'm telling...Because I'm not a web bot...
False information is a lie.
Whether I know I'm misleading you or not the consequences are the same...
A Lie is a lie.
The only way a just think positive ignore the negative drone can ignore the negative...Is by lying to themselves.
Really...You have the freedom to construct lies all you want...Unfortunately I have sad news for you...
You have zero freedom to escape from the consquences of all the lies you choose to manufacture.
No escape, No hope...sorry.
It's generally why in real life most stay away from me...because I end the games they attempt to play with me before they even start.
Sorry...the end...
Of course you have the freedom to cry like a baby all you desire.
Maybe if you stopped ignoring the negative you would see what the consequences of your actions are and could avoid smashing into brick walls and crying.
Sorry...hope is a total fabrication...a delusion.
Oh I sure Hope someone or something more powerful than me will shatter my cherished delusions and set me free.
Of course hope being one of the cherished delusions.
Not going to happen...You will fight to the death defending that which you cherish...
You are all going to go insane soon...
Im the top to everyone below me.
"Im the top to everyone below me."
Remember that when you see a run on pitchforks and rope! ;-)
Hypertiger, you are the greatest mind I have ever known. Thank you for all your wisdom.
Keep bringing it... I am listening and I hear you loud and clear.
Some cheap stocks in the market, I cant wait for the turn around. I am glad this happened. Solid companies that make money will win. Someone please toss the folks in jail who started credit default swaps.
Also someone please tell MCCAIN and FiX news that they are fail. Someone please arrest GWB and judge him guilty of being the worst criminal ever. He has ignored out threats, looted out nation, sacrificed our sons and daughters and over 1 million civilians... The war profitiering alone that the Republican party have taken part of should have us all ready to take back this nation.
Grain piles up in ports
Canada next in inability to finance shipments
John Greenwood, Financial Post Published: Wednesday, October 08, 2008
The credit crisis is spilling over into the grain industry as international buyers find themselves unable to come up with payment, forcing sellers to shoulder often substantial losses.
Before cargoes can be loaded at port, buyers typically must produce proof they are good for the money. But more deals are falling through as sellers decide they don't trust the financial institution named in the buyer's letter of credit, analysts said.
"There's all kinds of stuff stacked up on docks right now that can't be shipped because people can't get letters of credit," said Bill Gary, president of Commodity Information Systems in Oklahoma City. "The problem is not demand, and it's not supply because we have plenty of supply. It's finding anyone who can come up with the credit to buy."
So far the problem is mostly being felt in U.S. and South American ports, but observers say it is only a matter of time before it hits Canada.
"We've got a nightmare in front of us and a lot of people are concerned it's going to get a lot worse," said Anthony Temple, a grain marketing expert based in Vancouver.
The port troubles occur as financial institutions worldwide experience an unprecedented level of failures; even the strongest global banks are taking shelter in government bailouts. Tuesday, the U.K was expected to invest as much as £45-billion ($87.01-billion) in three of the country's biggest banks, while the U.S. government rushed to put in place its US$700-billion rescue package for beleaguered financial market players. Ottawa has so far resisted pleas for direct financial aid for exporters.
Access to credit is key to the survival of maritime trade and insiders now say the supply is being severely restricted. More than 90% of the world's trade by volume goes by ship.
The Baltic Dry Goods Index, the main measure of shipping rates, is down 74% from its high back in May when trade with China was still strong.
"The credit crisis has made banks nervous and the last thing on their minds is making fresh loans," Omar Nokta, an analyst at investment bank Dahlman Rose, said in an interview with Reuters.
While shipping has always been a cyclical industry whose fortunes rise and fall with the global economy, analysts said the current crisis over the drying up of credit is something they have never seen before.
Jason Myers, head of the Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters, said exporters across Canada are getting caught up in the turmoil as customers delay payments, forcing them to shoulder the cost.
"What some companies are saying is we can't pay you until our customer pays us, so it becomes a question of who bears the financial risk and the cost," Mr. Myers said. "We're hearing about it more and more."
What that means is that manufacturers are getting hit as revenue slows and long-time customers disappear from the order book altogether. As profits decline, investment in product development starts to fall, too, he said.
The Canadian Wheat Board, one of the world's biggest grain marketers, has yet to refuse a customer because of poor credit, according to a spokesperson. "As of this moment we haven't run into that problem," said Maureen Fitzhenry.
Officials at Viterra, Canada's leading grain handler, were not immediately available for comment.
The meltdown in financial markets has resulted in a dramatic slowdown in maritime trade, with major ports in Canada and the United States preparing for sharply reduced activity after several of the busiest years on record.
Statistics from the Port of Vancouver have yet to officially register a drop but at Long Beach and Los Angeles, among the biggest U.S ports, imports have already declined 9% this year.
heres what I want HT to discuss... tell of the Credit Default Swaps. That is the real downfall of the markets currently... Unregulated made up insurance insuring garbage.....
I've have come to the same conclusions as you, and you put it so well. Sadly, the belief in "America The Great" and all that it stands for is no different than a religion - based on absurd myths that have no basis in fact, merely a control system for the masses. And if you argue with people about their religion or their love of America, they will get very angry to the point of actually wanting to kill you, since you are questioning their actual lifetime mental conditioning.
Truth be told, Americans are too stupid to live, and nature will take care of that (250 million guns in private hands).
I also have given up trying to pass on to my friends any insight I have acquired. Its just a useless waste of time. As you say, it IS hopeless. Truly hopeless.
Its like being a one eyed man in a sea of blind people. Of course, understanding how the world really works is a bit of a curse too, since one must constantly force the mind to stop pondering things - like the hell on Earth thats coming and no place to hide.
FWIW: Heres just one of my favorite writers, Lysander Spooner, and I recommend reading section VI on "The Constitution of No Authority"
Please foreign friends dont pretend you know America. Get outside into the rural areas and then badmouth America. Big City, Wall Street, Washington D.C. is just like Europe. America has had horrible leadership and hopefully that will change. Our foundation is solid.
"And if you argue with people about their religion or their love of America, they will get very angry to the point of actually wanting to kill you, since you are questioning their actual lifetime mental conditioning."
I've noticed that too...
No, we just think your ignorant and you forgot who protected you from the boogyman....
You point at the redneck who says something crazy and think its every American. Do you all not realize that 95%(or more-probably more) of America is made up of folks just like you? Immigrants or sons/daughters or immigrants? Please stop bashing and look in the mirror. We are you more than you think.
Just look at these posts, I rest my case.
What you will find out after a while, having blogged your personal thoughts about GRIM REALITY, its really best not to have a comments section. The brain dead rabble will post their normal low I.Q. nonsense replies and just suck the life out of you.
Those that appreciate your thoughts will be enhanced, and those that wont, wont.
Since 99.9% of the "bottoms" automatically reject any input to their brain that intrudes on their Fantasy Island existence, it serves zero purpose to argue with them. The fact that folks have stumbled onto your website does not necessarily mean they belong here.
I will soon have reason to rejoice, watching the moron majority killing each other over a loaf of bread.
Ahhhh, I love the smell of nitrocellulose in the morning.
"You point at the redneck who says something crazy and think its every American. Do you all not realize that 95%(or more-probably more) of America is made up of folks just like you? Immigrants or sons/daughters or immigrants? Please stop bashing and look in the mirror. We are you more than you think."
I vividly remember the abuse endured by those who were against the Iraq war.
It wasn't just rednecks and it certainly wasn't the minority.
All I can think is how much longer and when the crash actaully is the final end what the uneducated masses will think in thier minds BECAUSE SOMEWHERE THEY WILL REMEMBER A RELATIVE OR FRIEND MENTIONED THERE IS NO MONEY AND THEY JUST DID NOT GET IT...
I am only now 100% free becuase the prison of the mind has been
opened by Truth and Dear Hyper has made the road much clearer
Cheers Tiger
MAB you like sniffing your own poots dont you.... if your going to post then post but STFU when someone else posts just because you drank the coolaid and want to regurgitate the same old crap.
If most Americans knew from their leadership that the Iraq war was just for war profiteering and a little mans ego we would have been against it too. But most drank the coolaid that it was terrorism and 9-11. Blame Bush/cheney. Now we are the types that fix it once we break it, its his only way of saving face. Unfortunately its still profitable. I personally think they should impeach Bush but then that leaves Cheney president and really, is that any better? They both should be Tried before the Hague(warning spelling, to lazy to look it up).
"If most Americans knew from their leadership that the Iraq war was just for war profiteering and a little mans ego we would have been against it too. But most drank the coolaid that it was terrorism and 9-11. Blame Bush/cheney."
Best I can remember, it wasn't Bush/Cheney calling me an unemployed, Communist wacko for protesting against the war and stating there were no WMD (I knew from the beginning). It was 'ordinary' Americans - who deservedly share blame.
I'm sure Bush/Cheney are thankful for those who do their dirty work...
Do you realize Bush stole both elections and used fear mongering to scare folks into voting for him. Mccain is running the worst mucky campaing ever hoping to again scare America from the muslim terrorist negro. And whats scarier than that is it might work.
Bush= Fail always. He will go down in history as the worst bum ever. He ran every business he was involved with in the ground and now he has done his best to run the world in the ground. The only success he has had was selling the Texas Rangers after he got tax payers to build his stadium. The man is possibly the worst human being alive today--- and that includes Cheney and Rummy.... A trifecta of fail/warprofiteering/scum.
I wish they would shut up about stealing elections, like the Clinton 44$ and 43% elections were mandates. The Clinton/Rubin/Greenspan gang set the bubble in high gear with their FNMA mandates, but that is all lost. Clinton declared war against Bin Laden, had him in his sights and didn't pull the trigger. No one reads this site it appears. Maybe the FNM mandate was necessary to replace the S&L mandate that imploded which was to replace the gold mandate that was put up at Bretton Woods #1. Most of what Bushie did was try to keep the pieces of Clinton/Rubin/Greenspan from flying apart. Clinton was bombing Iraq on a daily basis for most of his term, so going in wasn't exactly a surprise. We and the Russians sold them WMD's so we knew they had them.
I agree with Cheryl in that I caught a lot of flack for opposing the war. I thought it was a ploy to gain use of the reserves of Iraq for international money creation to solve the debt/credit problem of 2001. There are few brains out there that can figure it out that this has been a long term problem and we have run out of solutions. The war was for more money collateral. The Fed don't have any money collateral. The liabilities still exist in the system, to and from the banking system. There is no mathematical solution.
Is the capitalist system dead? I doubt it and even if we went communist, the communists would then be the capitalist, the top. They would still run a money game. I guess it isn't necessary to do away with the top in that below the top is so much superstition and so many morons who get involved in political blaming. Look at this idiot the Democrats have given us to elect under the worst of terms, a mafia don put up by Wall Streeters. He is supposed to save us?
10 30 08
Whoa! You are too smart for me! And I am not offended by your commentary. I mean, one day I thought about the amount of debt I was in and if I could ever pay it off in my lifetime. The answer seems to be no. That put up a red flag for me. I am saddened. I wonder when the great depression will begin again, perhaps we are in it now.
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