Friday, January 31, 2025

1/31 Again

 When 1 = A and 26 = Z

Hypertiger = 131

Looks like the purpose of the Free Trade agreements in the past was to make Canada and Mexico so dependent on the USA that now that the clock has run out its tax the world into skeletons time.

The EU was inflated up into what you see today by the post WW2 arrangement all in Europe agreed to.

The current global system was implemented following WW2 which I call the liquidation climax of the 1933 to 1945 bankruptcy reorganization of the global trade system.

When Covid hit in 2020 which is now hindsight the greatest deficit spending since WW2 showed up.

Right at the zero point...Where the below chart ends.

In the above chart Covid showed up at the zero point in 2020

From 1981 to 2020 interest rates were engineered lower and lower by everyone in the world following along and helping to accomplish that.

That is actually easy to do compared to stopping and doing the reverse.

That is what happened at the zero point.

It became impossible to continue doing what you did to get there.

It is a key reason why Interest rates are blasting up.

The demand for inflation is blasting up and that is all that tariffs will do.

Accelerate the demand for yield from all of you.